Grateful For Unexpected Gifts

Last week I was contemplating 20 long years without my deeply loved mother, Bridgett Helen Byron. Mum died way to young at 55 from breast cancer. On this 20th anniversary of her passing I received such as wonderful gift, especially as mum was my biggest fan all those years ago.

The Nails In The Wall Gallery (Linda Vonderschmidt-La Stella) had used a picture of “The Girl Of All That Is” in their advertising material for their upcoming group exhibition. The theme, EarthAirWaterFire: Elements/Sacraments, is integral to my work so I had to enter and was overjoyed to be accepted. To then have the NY Times feature this image and my name in the Metropolitan section was a crazy surprise! It’s an immense lift to the artistic spirits.

Now to get some art in a gallery in New York City!  
