Secrets in the Garden - Pitch in progress.
It's almost a year since my last post! I've got to do better at this!
This post is also about creating a Graphic Novel. I am finishing up the same Graphic Novel Intensive course I did last year, and I am thrilled I'm submitting something for review. I didn't get that far last year.
The Graphic Novel Intensive is run through Kids Comics Unite.
Rivkah, for the art and craft, and Jana, for the business of kid's comics, including Graphic Novels, are excellent teachers.
It seems like an eternity that I have been working to create a viable pitch for a Graphic Novel. "Comics? That must be easy." Absolutely not! What a grueling art form, but I love Graphic Novels, especially the arty ones, and I have wanted to make one forever.
I highly recommend the course to anyone interested in making a Graphic Novel. Besides the information and the challenge of putting together a story summary and pages for a pitch, the community is fantastic.