Queen Anne & The Literary Agent

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Amidst all the doom and gloom of 2020 I feel very blessed to have had some wonderful good fortune and early in the year a lot of fun!

In January I was thrilled to be on stage again, after decades, since high school actually (eh sshhhh). I played a small but I think vital role as Queen Anne of Australia (no, not Austria) in the pantomime En Garde!  A silly rapid, romp through the musketeer tale. It was brilliant to be in it with my son Riley and for my daughter Aoife to be involved doing the sound, it was a magical time. 

As Queen Anne of Australia I made an unexpected connection with the Dame Lady De Winter. By day the Dame happened to be a well connected book buyer and generously sent an introduction email to Thompson Literary. I am so grateful that it reached Samantha Wekstein. After some nail biting delay due to the world stopping pandemoniac I was lucky enough to be signed!

In the meantime I had signed up to do more work for Multilit and I’m currently illustrating a joyous Picture Book story. It is about a brave but socially timid girl that makes a friend at the beach. It has been a great escape to illustrate.

Once I have completed the picture book I will be full steam ahead working on a pitch as an Author & Illustrator. Excited does not even come close to describing how I feel. I can’t believe such good fortune is coming my way amidst such loss and chaos. I am determined to create something that I hope will bring lightness and love ,and if I can manage it a giggle, into the world…. if I am lucky enough to be published.
Thankfully It will be a busy year for me.

*How I even came to be in a play is another story entirely!
